Many Greek cities of the Roman world formed Homonoia partnerships with each other, and struck coins to celebrate these.
On the Homonoia coins of Cyzicus (in Mysia) and Smyrna (in Ionia), Demeter is shown riding in a quadriga of centaurs, led by Eros.
On the Homonoia coins of Cyzicus (in Mysia) and Smyrna (in Ionia), Demeter is shown riding in a quadriga of centaurs, led by Eros.
There is also a single issue (for Commodus) in Cyzicus, with the biga drawn by panthers.
* Homonoia of Cyzicus and Smyrna, coins of Faustina II as Kore Soteira and of Commodus (not illustrated).

Æ 45, 39.5 g. [Obv. KOPH CΩTEIPA KYZIKHNΩN. Bust of Faustina II as Kore Soteira r.] Rev. CTRAT NAIB KYINTOY, in ex. EΠI OMONOIA KYZIK CMYPNAI. Demeter, holding a long torch, rides r. in a biga of centaurs, one of whom (young or female) holds a pedum and turns its head to look at the goddess, while the other, bearded, holds a bowl of fruits (?) in its outstretched hand; Eros r., but turned to look backwards, leads the procession; behind the centaurs is Pan l., blowing into a straight and a curved flute; standing in front of Demeter is a maenad with a tympanum; and walking behind the biga is a bearded man holding a staff and carrying a basket of fruits on his head (Illustration from Imhoof-Blumer, Griechische Münzen).
* Cyzicus, a coin of Commodus (not illustrated), with a slightly different reverse, and the biga drawn by panthers.
Homonoia of Cyzicus and Smyrna / Faustina II
Reference: RPC IV, 2, 744*
Reference: RPC IV, 2, 744*
Rarity: R
Homonoia of Cyzicus and Smyrna / Commodus
References: RPC IV, 2, 745*
Rarity: RRR
Homonoia of Cyzicus and Smyrna / Commodus
References: RPC IV, 2, 745*
Rarity: RRR
Cyzicus / Commodus
Reference: RPC IV, 2, 10380*
Rarity: RRR
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