According to the late Roman author Nonnus, it was a dolphin that brought the sea-born goddess Aphrodite to land near Paphos in Cyprus (Dionysiaca, XIII), and the affectionate, playful animals were associated with both Aphrodite and Eros. He is often shown riding a dolphin, and sometimes waving a whip, holding out a wreath or pulling on reins. “Over the silver [of the sea] on dancing dolphins ride guileful Love and laughing Desire” (Anacreontea, transl. David A. Campbell).

This motif appeared in the third century B.C. on coins of Paestum in Lucania and in the first century B.C. on Roman Republican denarii of Mn. Cordius Rufus (photo courtesy of Andrew McCabe) and L. Lucretius Trio (photo courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.,

This motif appeared in the third century B.C. on coins of Paestum in Lucania and in the first century B.C. on Roman Republican denarii of Mn. Cordius Rufus (photo courtesy of Andrew McCabe) and L. Lucretius Trio (photo courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.,
Eros on a dolphin appears on many provincial issues, including coins from Carteia in Baetica (Spain); Tomis in Moesia; Anchialus, Deultum, Hadrianopolis, Perinthus, Serdica and Trajanopolis in Thracia; Cius, Nicaea, Nicomedia and Prusias ad Hypium in Bithynia; Lampsacus in Mysia; Ceramus in Caria, and Alexandreia in Egypt.
The image of a wingless boy riding on a dolphin on rare coins of Faustina Junior from Pordosilene (Lesbos) (SNG Leypold 783) is not Eros, but relates to the local tradition of a tame dolphin, mentioned by Pausanias (III, 25). Other figures riding on or being carried by dolphins on ancient coins include Taras at Tarentum and Brundisium, Arion at Methymna, Hermias at Iasus and Melicertes at Corinth. Stories of dolphins rescuing humans from drowning or even from shark-attacks have been recorded in many parts of the world.
The image of a wingless boy riding on a dolphin on rare coins of Faustina Junior from Pordosilene (Lesbos) (SNG Leypold 783) is not Eros, but relates to the local tradition of a tame dolphin, mentioned by Pausanias (III, 25). Other figures riding on or being carried by dolphins on ancient coins include Taras at Tarentum and Brundisium, Arion at Methymna, Hermias at Iasus and Melicertes at Corinth. Stories of dolphins rescuing humans from drowning or even from shark-attacks have been recorded in many parts of the world.
* Carteia in Baetica, c. 25 B.C., coins with obverse Fortuna, Eros on a dolphin to r. on the reverse, a type presumably imitated from the Roman Republican denarii mentioned above. The coins with Eros to l. are much rarer.

* Tomis in Moesia, coins with obverse type of Tomos, founder of the city (example r. from a Gorny & Mosch auction, photo courtesy of Lübke & Wiedemann KG).
Æ 17, 12 h, 3.29 g. Obv. KTICTHC TOMOC. Head of the founder Tomos r., hair bound in a wreath or taenia. Rev. TOMEΩC. Eros riding a dolphin r.
* Anchialus in Thracia, coins of Maximinus I; coins with obverse bust to l. are much rarer.
Æ 19, 8 h, 3.97 g. Obv. [AYT MAΞI]MEINOC EYCE AVΓ. Laureate head of Maximinus I r. Rev. AΓXIAΛEΩN. Eros, wielding a whip, riding a dolphin r.
Æ 20, 4.66 g. Obv. AYT MAΞIMEINOC EYC. Laureate, cuirassed bust of Maximinus I with shield and spear r. Rev. AΓXIAΛEΩN. Eros riding a dolphin r. (Private collection, photos by permission).
* Deultum in Thracia, coins of Diadumenian Caesar, Maximinus I and Gordian III (bust to l., with a much rarer bust to r. variant not illustrated), and Maximus Caesar (not illustrated).
4.51 g. Obv. M OPEL ANTONINVS […]. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Diadumenian Caesar r. Rev. C F P D. Eros, holding reins in both hands, riding r. on a dolphin (Photos courtesy of Lübke & Wiedemann KG).
Similar, Æ 18, 7 h, 4.43 g.
Æ 19, 7 h, 5.30 g. Obv. IMP MAXIMINVS AVG. Laureate, draped (and cuirassed?) bust of Maximinus I r. Rev. C F P D. Same type as last.
Æ 19, 2 h, 3.77 g. Obv. GORDIANVS IMP AVG. Laureate and cuirassed bust of Gordian III l., holding shield and spear. Rev. C F P D. Eros, holding reins with his l. and a whip in his r., riding r. on a dolphin (Photos courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.,
Æ 16, 3 h, 2.87 g. Similar.
* Hadrianopolis in Thracia, coins of Caracalla, with two distinctly different arrangements of the reverse legend, and of Gordian III.

(Reverse A) Æ 17, 8 h, 3.36 g. Obv. ΑΥT K M AYP CE [ANTΩ]NEINOC. Laureate bust of Caracalla r. Rev. AΔPI[ANOΠ]OΛEITΩN (circular legend). Eros, holding reins in both hands, riding r. on a dolphin.

(Reverse B) Æ 17, 7 h, 2.99 g. Obv. ΑΥT K M AYP CEY ANTΩ[NEINOC]. Laureate bust of Caracalla r. Rev. AΔPIANOΠOΛEIT[ΩN] (legend arranged in three lines). Same type as last.
Æ, 3.03 g. Obv. ΑΥT K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC. Laureate head of Gordian III r. Rev. AΔPIANOΠOΛEITΩN. Eros, holding a whip, riding r. on a dolphin (Photos courtesy of H. D. Rauch).
Similar, Æ 16, 6 h, 2.89 g.
Similar, Æ 17, 7 h, 2.34 g.
* Perinthus in Thracia, coins of Elagabalus, with Eros to r., and of Gordian III, with Eros to l.
Æ 17, 7 h, 2.03 g. Obv. AΥT K M AYP ANTΩNINOC. Laureate head of Elagabalus r. Rev. ΠEPINΘIΩN B NEΩKOPΩN. Eros, holding reins in both hands, riding r. on a dolphin.

Æ 18, 2 h, 2.18 g. Obv. M ANT ΓO[PΔIANOC]. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III r. Rev. ΠEPINΘIΩN B NEΩK. Eros, holding reins in both hands, riding l. on a dolphin.
Æ 18, 2 h, 2.54 g. Similar.
* Serdica in Thracia, possibly coins of Caracalla (Varbanov 2804, not illustrated).
* Trajanopolis in Thracia, coins of Caracalla. These are the commonest provincial coins with this reverse. Poorly preserved specimens are often mistaken for the type A coins of Hadrianopolis.
Æ 16, 7 h, 3.36 g. Obv. AΥT K M AYP C ANTΩNEINOC. Laureate head of Caracalla r. Rev. TPAIANOΠOΛEITΩN. Eros, holding reins in both hands, riding r. on a dolphin.
Æ 16, 7 h, 3.36 g. Obv. AΥT K M AYP C ANTΩNEINOC. Laureate head of Caracalla r. Rev. TPAIANOΠOΛEITΩN. Eros, holding reins in both hands, riding r. on a dolphin.
Similar, from a Lanz auction (photo courtesy of Lübke & Wiedemann KG).
* Cius in Bithynia, coins of Caracalla (not illustrated) and Valerian I, known so far from only a single specimen.
Æ 18, 7 h, 2.92 g. Obv. Γ ΠOY ΛI OYΑΛEPIANOC. Radiate, draped (and cuirassed?) bust of Valerian I r. Rev. KIANΩN. Eros, holding out a wreath, riding l. on a dolphin.
* Nicaea in Bithynia, coins of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus.
Æ 18, 6 h, 3.16 g. Obv. [A]Y KAI M ΑΥPH ANTΩN…. Bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius r. Rev. NIKAIEΩN. Eros, holding a whip (?), riding r. on a dolphin.
Æ 18, 1 h, 3.71 g. Obv. KAICAP KOMOΔOC. Bare head of young Commodus r. Rev. Similar.
* Nicomedia in Bithynia, coins of Antoninus Pius (include a reverse type with two Erotes on dolphins) and of Commodus (two obverse varieties).
Æ 18, 1 h, 2.92 g. Obv. [AYT] KAICAP [ANTΩNINOC]. Laureate head of Antoninus Pius r. Rev. MHT KAI [ΠPΩT] NIKOMHΔEI. Eros riding r. on a dolphin.
Æ 17, 1 h, 2.26 g. Similar.
Æ 18, 7 h, 2.55 g. Obv. AYT KAICAP ANTΩNINOC. Laureate head of Antoninus Pius r. Rev. MHTPOΠO ΠP NIKOMHΔEI [...]. Two Erotes riding l. on dolphins.
Æ 17, 6 h, 2.89 g. Obv. [...] AYPHΛIOC KOMOΔOC [...]. Bare-headed bust of young Commodus draped and cuirassed r. Rev. MHTPO in exergue, NEΩ NIKOMHΔEIAC. Eros riding r. on a dolphin.
* Prusias ad Hypium in Bithynia, tiny coins of Septimius Severus.
Æ 14, 6 h, 2.56 g. Obv. ΑΥ K Λ […]YHPOC Π. Laureate head of Septimius Severus r. Rev. ΠPOYCIE[Ω]N ΠPOC YΠIΩ. Eros, holding reins with one hand and a whip (?) in the other, riding r. on a dolphin.
* Lampsacus in Mysia, coins of Caracalla.
Æ 16, 6 h, 2.74 g. Obv. … ANTΩN…. Laureate, draped bust of Caracalla r. Rev. ΛAMΨAKHNΩN. Eros, holding the reins with one hand and a wreath in the other, riding r. on a dolphin.
* Ceramus in Caria, coins of Elagabalus, naming the ex-Archon M. Au. Euandros the Younger. Two single specimens known, with slightly varying reverse legends. The figure on the reverse is without wings, but presumably Eros, unless it refers to a since-forgotten local story, like that of Hermias at Carian Iasus.
Æ 21, 6 h, 6.81 g. Obv. AY K M AY ANTΩNEINOC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus r., seen from rear. Rev. M AY EYANΔPOC B APΞAC KEP. Small figure (Eros?), holding rudder, on dolphin swimming l.
* Alexandreia in Egypt, small bronzes of year 5 of Antoninus Pius, showing Eros on a dolphin to l. (not illustrated) or to r.
Æ 20 (obol), 12 h, 4.51 g. Obv. … [AYT K T AIΛ ADP] ANTΩNINOC. Laureate head of Antoninus Pius r. Rev. L E (= year 5, 141-42). Eros riding r. on a dolphin.
Æ 20 (obol), 12 h, 4.51 g. Obv. … [AYT K T AIΛ ADP] ANTΩNINOC. Laureate head of Antoninus Pius r. Rev. L E (= year 5, 141-42). Eros riding r. on a dolphin.

* On the reverse of a large (43 mm.) lead tessera from Roman Spain there is a motif that is not found on coins: Eros driving a biga of cavorting dolphins (the obverse shows a helmeted head of Roma) (Photos courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.,
* On this lead tessera from Asia Minor (Ephesus?), the dolphin-rider is not winged, but since he is wielding a whip he is probably Eros.
* Here is a clay seal impression (bulla) showing Eros riding a dolphin. (This is possibly a modern fake.)
* An oil lamp
from Aquitania or Italy, first or early second century, showing Eros
riding on a dolphin and playing a flute (photo courtesy of Lars Rutten).
* A similar motif on a round plaque probably used as a garden decoration, suspended between the columns of the portico.
* Eros on a dolphin, holding a lyre (?), on a fragment of dark terracotta.

* And here is Eros as charioteer on a fragment of Roman terra sigillata pottery, though it isn’t clear what is pulling his chariot—perhaps dolphins?
Carteia / Fortuna (type to r.)
References: RPC I, 116, 118
Rarity: Very common
Carteia / Fortuna (type to l.)
References: RPC I, 117; RPC Supplement 2, 117/4
Rarity: R
Tomis / Tomos
Reference: RPC VI, 2029*
Rarity: Scarce
References: RPC I, 116, 118
Rarity: Very common
Carteia / Fortuna (type to l.)
References: RPC I, 117; RPC Supplement 2, 117/4
Rarity: R
Tomis / Tomos
Reference: RPC VI, 2029*
Rarity: Scarce
Anchialus / Maximinus I (bust to r.)
References: RPC VI, 684*
Rarity: Common
References: RPC VI, 684*
Rarity: Common
Anchialus / Maximinus I (bust to l.)
RPC VI, 676*
Rarity: RR
Deultum / Diadumenian Caesar
References: Varbanov 2226, 2227, 2229
Rarity: Common
RPC VI, 676*
Rarity: RR
Deultum / Diadumenian Caesar
References: Varbanov 2226, 2227, 2229
Rarity: Common
Deultum / Maximinus I
References: RPC VI, 853*
Rarity: Common
References: RPC VI, 853*
Rarity: Common
Deultum / Maximus Caesar [?]
Reference: RPC VI, 870*
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VI, 870*
Rarity: RRR
Deultum / Gordian III (bust to l.)
Reference: RPC VII, 1083
Rarity: Very common
Reference: RPC VII, 1083
Rarity: Very common
Deultum / Gordian III (bust to r.)
Reference: RPC VII, 1084
Rarity: RR
Hadrianopolis / Caracalla (type A, circular legend)
References: Yououkova 384, 386; BMC 23
Rarity: Common
References: Yououkova 384, 386; BMC 23
Rarity: Common
Hadrianopolis / Caracalla (type B, three-line legend)
References: Youroukova 387; Varbanov 3517
Rarity: Common
References: Youroukova 387; Varbanov 3517
Rarity: Common
Hadrianopolis / Gordian III
References: RPC VII, 2, 799
Rarity: Common
References: RPC VII, 2, 799
Rarity: Common
Perinthus / Elagabalus
References: RPCV VI, 1038*
Rarity: RR
References: RPCV VI, 1038*
Rarity: RR
Perinthus / Gordian III
References: RPC VII, 2, 629
Rarity: Scarce
References: RPC VII, 2, 629
Rarity: Scarce
Serdica / Caracalla [?]
Reference: Varbanov 2084
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Reference: Varbanov 2084
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Trajanopolis / Caracalla
References: Schönert-Geiss 142-44; Varbanov 2815-17
Rarity: Very common
References: Schönert-Geiss 142-44; Varbanov 2815-17
Rarity: Very common
Cius / Caracalla
RPC V, 2, 70693*
Rarity: RRR
Cius / Valerian I
RPC X, 93939*
Rarity: RRR
Nicaea / Marcus Aurelius
References: RPC IV, 1, 11720* (this coin); Forrer (Weber Coll.) 4901
Rarity: RRR
RPC X, 93939*
Rarity: RRR
Nicaea / Marcus Aurelius
References: RPC IV, 1, 11720* (this coin); Forrer (Weber Coll.) 4901
Rarity: RRR
Nicaea / Commodus Caesar
References: RPC IV, 1, 5984*; Waddington, Recueil général, 238; SNG Copenhagen 491
Rarity: RR
References: RPC IV, 1, 5984*; Waddington, Recueil général, 238; SNG Copenhagen 491
Rarity: RR
Nicomedia / Antoninus Pius (Eros on dolphin r.)
References: RPC IV, 1, 5592*; Waddington, Recueil général, 66
Rarity: R
References: RPC IV, 1, 5592*; Waddington, Recueil général, 66
Rarity: R
Nicomedia / Antoninus Pius (two Erotes on dolphins l.)
RPC IV, 1, 17569* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Nicomedia / Commodus (bare head)
Reference: RPC IV, 1, 5624*
Rarity: RRR
RPC IV, 1, 17569* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Nicomedia / Commodus (bare head)
Reference: RPC IV, 1, 5624*
Rarity: RRR
Nicomedia / Commodus (bare head, draped and cuirassed)
Reference: RPC IV, 1, 11719* (this coin)
Rarity: RR
Prusias ad Hypium / Septimius Severus
Reference: RPC V, 2, 64693*
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC IV, 1, 11719* (this coin)
Rarity: RR
Reference: RPC V, 2, 64693*
Rarity: RRR
Lampsacus / Caracalla
References: RPC V, 2, 687*; SNG von Aulock 1308; SNG Copenhagen 239
Rarity: R
References: RPC V, 2, 687*; SNG von Aulock 1308; SNG Copenhagen 239
Rarity: R
Ceramus / Elagabalus
References: RPC VI, 30450* (this coin); RPC VI, 30306
Rarity: RRR
Alexandreia / Antoninus Pius (type to l.)
Reference: RPC IV, 4, 14820*; Geissen 1390; Emmett 1770
Rarity: R
Alexandreia / Antoninus Pius (type to r.)
Reference: RPC IV, 4, 605.1 (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC IV, 4, 14820*; Geissen 1390; Emmett 1770
Rarity: R
Alexandreia / Antoninus Pius (type to r.)
Reference: RPC IV, 4, 605.1 (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
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