This is far and away the commonest Eros motif on provincial coins, appearing on issues of Callatis, Marcianopolis, Nicopolis ad Istrum and Tomis in Moesia; Anchialus, Augusta Trajana, Bizya, Deultum, Hadrianopolis, Pautalia, Philippopolis, Plotinopolis, Serdica, Topirus and Trajanopolis in Thracia; Amastris in Paphlagonia; Bithynium-Claudiopolis, Cius, Nicaea, Prusa ad Olympum and Prusias ad Hypium in Bithynia; Aphrodisias in Caria; Tripolis in Lydia; Dorylaeum in Phrygia, and Ancyra in Galatia.
The “normal type” shows Eros standing to r., legs crossed, leaning on a burning torch held downwards on an altar and resting his head on his hand. However, there are many variations. Sometimes Eros is facing left, and sometimes the torch is held against a pile of stones, an unidentified object, or the ground instead of the altar. Eros varies in appearance from plump cherub to slim youth, and also in his pose (especially the position of his arms) and the direction of his gaze. He has often been described as looking pensive or sad, but sometimes he seems to be resting or even sleeping, and on a few coins from Deultum he is stepping or walking with legs uncrossed. Sometimes he holds a wreath.
The illustration is of a beautiful terracotta from the Athenian Agora.
The “normal type” shows Eros standing to r., legs crossed, leaning on a burning torch held downwards on an altar and resting his head on his hand. However, there are many variations. Sometimes Eros is facing left, and sometimes the torch is held against a pile of stones, an unidentified object, or the ground instead of the altar. Eros varies in appearance from plump cherub to slim youth, and also in his pose (especially the position of his arms) and the direction of his gaze. He has often been described as looking pensive or sad, but sometimes he seems to be resting or even sleeping, and on a few coins from Deultum he is stepping or walking with legs uncrossed. Sometimes he holds a wreath.
The illustration is of a beautiful terracotta from the Athenian Agora.
* Callatis in Moesia, coins of Commodus, Septimius Severus (not illustrated) and Julia Domna. The Commodus coins show an anatomically unconvincing, slightly drunken-looking figure of Eros, crosslegged, with head sunk to r., the l. arm held downwards alongside the torch (?), with what may be a wreath held in his l. hand, and the burning torch resting either on the ground or on a small, unidentified object. There are several obverse types, with plain laureate head (Varbanov 257) or with a more elaborate bust (Varbanov 258). The coins of Septimius Severus (in the ANS Collection) and Julia Domna (Varbanov 303) are much rarer, despite the identical rarity rating (R6) given by Varbanov to both Commodus and Domna.
Æ 17, 1 h, 2.40 g. Obv. AV • Κ • Μ • ΑΥ • ΚΟΜΟΔΟC •. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Commodus r. Rev. ΚΑΛΛΑΤΙΑNΩΝ. As described above.
Æ 18, 7 h, 3.94 g. Obv. ΙΟΥΛΙA • AΓ • Υ CΕΒACΤΗ. Draped bust of Julia Domna r. Rev. ΚΑΛΛ[Α[ΤΙΑNΩΝ. As described above, but the torch held against an uncertain object (an altar?).
* Marcianopolis in Moesia, coins of Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta Caesar, Diadumenian Caesar and Elagabalus. The Severan issues can be put in a tentative order—first, the coins of Septimius Severus and Geta Caesar with similar reverse types to r., and Eros holding a wreath; then, a little later, coins of Geta Caesar with a rather squat-looking Eros with round face to l., without the wreath; finally, coins of Caracalla with a similar clumsy-looking figure, but to r. There are also coins of Diadumenian Caesar with Eros as a handsome youth, and of Elagabalus with Eros facing to l. (not confirmed as genuine, and not illustrated) or to r.

Æ 17, 2 h, 2.76 g. Obv. AV K Λ CΕΠ CEVHPOC. Laureate bust of Septimius Severus r. Rev. ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. Eros standing r. with legs crossed, leaning on a torch placed downwards on an altar and holding a wreath with his r. hand.
Æ 16, 2 h, 2.786 g. Similar.

Æ 16, 2 h, 2.09 g. Obv. Λ CΕΠ ΓΕΤΑC Κ. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. Same reverse type.
Æ 16. Obv. Π CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤΑC Κ. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. Eros, round, baby face staring to the front, standing l. with legs crossed, leaning on a burning torch placed downwards on an altar and holding his l. hand to his r. cheek (Private collection, photos by permission).
Æ 17, 1 h, 2.32 g. Obv. Π CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤΑC Κ. Bare-headed, older bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. Same reverse type.
Small Æ. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗΛ ΑΝΤΩΝ... Laureate bust of Caracalla r. Rev. ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤ ΩΝ. Eros standing r. with legs crossed, leaning on a burning torch placed downwards on an altar and resting his head on his l. hand (Photos courtesy of Compagnie Générale de Bourse, France).
Æ 17, 1 h, 3.03 g. Obv. Μ ΟΠΕΛΛΙΟC ΑΝΤΩNΕΙΝΟC. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Diadumenian Caesar r. Rev. ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ. “Pensive” Eros standing l. with legs crossed, leaning with both arms on a burning torch placed downwards on an altar and resting his head on his r. hand.
Æ 16, 1 h, 2.87 g. Similar.
Æ 16, 6 h, 2.58 g. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΑΝΤΩΝEIΝΟC.
Laureate head of Elagabalus r. Rev. ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ. Eros standing r. with legs crossed, leaning with both arms on a burning torch placed downwards on an altar and resting his head on his l. hand.
Æ 16, 6 h, 2.34 g. Similar (Private collection, photos by permission).
Laureate head of Elagabalus r. Rev. ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ. Eros standing r. with legs crossed, leaning with both arms on a burning torch placed downwards on an altar and resting his head on his l. hand.
Æ 16, 6 h, 2.34 g. Similar (Private collection, photos by permission).
* Nicopolis ad Istrum in Moesia, coins of Commodus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla Caesar, Geta Caesar, Caracalla, Geta as Augustus, with the simple legend ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙTΩΝ (both known examples are illustrated), Diadumenian Caesar, and Elagabalus, normally with Eros to r. The huge issue for Septimius Severus with Eros to r. is easily the largest for any Eros motif, and these coins, encompassing several different reverse designs and many variations of obverse type and obverse and reverse legend may safely be described as being “extremely common” (see Varbanov, though the insufficient number of photographs in his book and the frequent mistakes in description of the coins mean that his arrangement by reverse legend is far from user-friendly). There are a few, much rarer, coins with Eros to l. Nicopolis also struck this type under Elagabalus on a large module; these coins name the governor Novius Rufus.
Æ 17, 2.87 g. Obv. AYT KAI ΚΟΜΟΔOC. Laureate head of Commodus r. Rev. ΝΕΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ ΠΡΟC ΙCΤPON. Eros standing r. with legs crossed, holding a burning torch downwards (on an altar?) (Photos courtesy of
Æ 16, 2 h, 2.74 g. Similar, but with the obverse legend AYT M AYPH ΚΟΜΟΔOC.
Æ 15, 8 h, 2.93 g. Obv. ΑΥ ΚAI CΕΥΗΡΟC. Laureate head of Septimius Severus r. Rev. [ΝΙΚΟΠΟ]ΛΙΤ ΠΡΟC ΙCΤ[P]. Eros as a plump, cross-legged cherub with little batwings, both hands resting on the torch, and a small, tapered altar.
Æ 16, 8 h, 2.33 g. Similar, with “cherubic” Eros.

Æ 16, 8 h, 3.39 g. Similar, but ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙT ΠΡΟC ΙCΤPO, “cherubic” Eros.
Æ 17, 7 h, 2.26 g. Obv. ΑΥ Κ Λ CΕΥΗΡΟC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Septimius Severus r. Rev. ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙ ΠΡΟC ΙCΤ. “Cherubic” Eros, but with a squarer altar.
Æ 18, 3.20 g. Obv. ΑΥ Λ CΕΥΗΡΟC. Laureate head of Septimius Severus r. Rev. [ΝΙΚΟΠΟ]ΛΙ ΠΡΟC ΙC. Similar, but Eros is a spindlier figure, his head is inclined forward and seen in profile, only the right wing is visible, and the “altar” is less clearly distinguishable (if at all present) (Photos courtesy of Compagnie Générale de Bourse, France).
Æ 16, 7 h, 2.30 g. Similar, with “spindly” Eros.
Æ 18, 6 h, 3.53 g. Similar, with “spindly” Eros.
Æ 17, 6 h, 2.91 g. Obv. ΑΥ Λ CΕΥΗΡΟC. Laureate head of Septimius Severus r. Rev. ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙT ΠΡΟC [Ι]. Type to l., and again the “altar” is less clearly distinguishable (if at all present).
Æ 17, 8 h, 2.99 g. Obv. Μ ΑΥΡ… ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝ... Bare-headed bust of Caracalla Caesar r. Rev. ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙ ΠΡΟC ΙC… Eros standing r. with legs crossed, leaning with both arms on a burning torch placed downwards on a large, garlanded altar.
Æ 20, 7 h, 3.23 g. Obv. Λ • C ΚΑΙ ΓETAC. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙ ΠΡΟC ΙC. Similar type.
Similar. Obv. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla as Augustus r. Rev. ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙ Π… Similar type (Private collection, photos by permission).
Æ 22, 7 h, 4.90 g. Obv. ΑΥ Κ Π CΕΠ ΓΕΤΑC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta as Augustus r. Rev. ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. Similar type (Private collection, photos by permission).
Æ 20, 7 h, 4.64 g. Similar (Private collection, photos by permission).
Æ 19. Obv. K Μ ΟΠΕΛ ΔΙΑΔΟΥΜΕΝΙΑ. Bare-headed and draped bust of Diadumenian Caesar r. Rev. ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ ΠΡΟC. Similar, but an awkward design (Private collection, photos by permission).
Æ 20, 6 h, 3.95 g. Similar.
Æ 27, 7 h, 11.15 g. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ Κ ΑΥΡΗ… ΑΝΤ… Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus r. Rev. ΥΠ ΝΟΒΙΟΥ ΠΟΥΦΟΥ ΝΙΚ[ΟΠΟ]ΛΙΤ Ν ΠΡΟC, ΙCΤΡΟ/Ν in field. Similar type, but Eros is gazing into the distance, and the altar is very small.
* Tomis in Moesia, coins of Caracalla and Geta (not illustrated), also some with the legendary founder of the city, Tomos, on the obverse. The specimens examined so far have clumsily designed reverses.
Æ 18, 7 h, 3.03 g. Obv. ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝ... Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla r. Rev. ΤΟΜΕΩC. Normal type: Eros standing r. with legs crossed, leaning on a burning torch placed downwards on an altar (the details are unclear, however) and resting his head on his hand.
Æ 16, 1.50 g. Obv. KTICTIC TOMOC. Head of Tomos, the Founder, r. Rev. ΤΟΜΕΩC. Similar type, though Eros is staring into the distance (Private collection, photos by permission).
* Anchialus in Thracia, coins of Commodus and Geta Caesar, both with Eros to r., and of Maximinus I with Eros to l. On all the coins, Eros is staring outwards, his head rested against his l. hand (on the types to r.) and with the torch held against an altar.
Æ 17, 2 h, 3.71 g. Obv. ΑΥ • Κ Λ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟC. Laureate, draped bust of Commodus r. Rev. ΑΓΧΙΑΛΕΩΝ. As described above.
2.99 g. Obv. Π CΕΠΤ ΓΕΤΑC K. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. [ΑΓ]ΧΙΑΛΕΩΝ. As described above (Photos courtesy of Lübke & Wiedemann KG).
Æ 17, 1 h, 3.46 g. Similar.
Æ 18, 1 h, 2.65 g. Obv. MΑΞ… ΑΥΓ. Laureate head of Maximinus I r. Rev. ΑΓΧΙΑΛΕΩΝ. Similar, but Eros to l.
Æ 17, 6 h, 2.50 g. Similar. (Private collection, photos by permission).
* Augusta Trajana in Thracia, coins of Septimius Severus, Geta Caesar, Geta, and Caracalla. Eros is mostly to r. on the Caracalla and Geta coins, although there are coins of Septimius Severus and of Caracalla with Eros standing to l. (on the Severus coin, his r. arm is leaning on the torch, on the Caracalla coin, his l. hand is resting on his hip). On the Caracalla coins with Eros to r., Eros is holding the torch away from his body almost at arm’s length, while on the coins of Geta (whether as Caesar or Augustus) the types are similar to those of Anchialus. Eros’s wings vary in size and position. The coins are often well-executed, at least in comparison with those of some of the other Thracian cities.
Æ 19, 2 h, 4.55 g. Obv. ΑΥ Λ CΕ Κ CΕΥΗΡΟC. Laureate head of Septimius Severus r. Rev. ΑΥΓΟΥCΤΗC ΤΡΑΙΑΝΗC. Type to l., as described above.

Æ 19, 2 h, 3.42 g. Obv. Π CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤΑC Κ. Draped and cuirassed bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΑΥΓ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΗC. Normal type to r.
Æ 17, 2 h, 3.34 g. Similar.
4.07 g. Obv. ΑΥ Μ • ΑΥΡΗ • ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of the young Caracalla r. Rev. ΑΥΓΟΥCΤΗC ΤΡΑΙΑΝΗC. Similar, but with the torch held away from Eros’s body (Numismatik Lanz, photos courtesy of Lübke & Wiedemann KG).
Æ 19, 7 h, 4.50 g. Similar.
3.48 g. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ CΕH ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟC. Laureate head of older, bearded Caracalla r. Rev. ΑΥΓΟΥCΤΗC ΤΡΑΙΑΝΗC. Variant type, with Eros to l., his l. hand on his hip (Photos courtesy of Lübke & Wiedemann KG).

Æ 18, 1 h, 3.73 g. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Π CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤΑC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta r. Rev. ΑΥΓΟΥCΤΗ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΗ (NH in ligature). Eros, cross-legged, gazing outwards, his torch held downwards on a large, garlanded altar and his head rested against his l. hand.
* Bizya in Thracia, coins of Philip II Caesar with Eros to l., leaning on a torch held against either an altar or, more often, a mound of stones.
Æ 18, 6 h, 3.54 g. Obv. Μ ΙΟΥΛ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC ΚΑΙC.... Bare-headed bust of Philip II Caesar r. Rev. ΒΙΖΥΗΝΩΝ. Eros to l., cross-legged, with his torch held downwards on an altar and his head rested against his hand.
Æ 19, 6 h, 2.76 g. Similar, but Eros is standing more upright, and holding his torch against a mound of stones.
* Deultum in Thracia, with Latin legends: (A) coins of Julia Mamaea with Eros leaning on his torch to r., including a most peculiar specimen, struck on a square flan, illustrated at; (B) coins of Philip I with Eros to l., leaning, cross-legged, on a torch held against what looks like a small altar; (C) coins of Philip II Caesar and (much rarer, if genuine) Philip I with Eros standing, legs uncrossed, or even stepping onto a pile of rocks, with the torch held downwards against either more rocks or a small altar.
Æ 18, 2 h, 4.20 g. Obv. IVLIA MAMAEA AVG. Draped bust of Julia Mamaea r. Rev. CFPD. Reverse type A.
Æ 18, 1 h, 2.78 g. Obv. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Philip I r. Rev. CFPD. Reverse type B.
Æ 21, 8 h, 3.44 g. Obv. M IVL PHILIPPVS [CAESAR]. Laureate bust of Philip II Caesar r. Rev. CFPD. Reverse type C.
* Hadrianopolis in Thracia, coins of Caracalla, with Eros leaning to l. or to r., on a torch held downwards, often against an altar, and of Geta Caesar, with a similar reverse type but Eros sometimes standing at a slightly more precarious angle.
Æ 17, 1 h, 3.06 g. Obv. Α[...] AΝΤΩΝEΙΝΟC. Laureate head of Caracalla r. Rev. ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠOΛEΙΤΩΝ. Normal type, to l., no altar visible
Æ 17, 1 h, 3.45 g. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ [CΕΥ] AΝΤΩΝEΙΝΟC. Laureate head of Caracalla r. Rev. ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠO[ΛEΙΤΩΝ]. Normal type, to r.
Æ 18, 1 h, 2.99 g. Similar.
Æ 18, 7 h, 4.68 g. Obv. Λ CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤA ΚΑ[Ι]. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠOΛΙΤΩΝ. Similar, but Eros is balanced more precariously.
Æ 16, 12 h, 3.53 g. But with Obv. ΠO CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤAC Κ. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta Caesar r.
* Pautalia in Thracia, coins of Septimius Severus, of Caracalla, with both the “standard” forms of the reverse inscription (IOYΛΠIAC ΠΑΥΤΑΛIAC is scarcer, though), and of Geta Caesar, all with the normal type of Eros standing r. with legs crossed, leaning on a burning torch placed downwards on an altar or on the ground and resting his head on his l. hand. On the coins of Geta, Eros’s wings are shorter but he has longer hair.
Æ 18, 1 h, 4.92 g. Obv. Laureate bust of Septimius Severus r. Rev. IOYΛΠIAC ΠΑΥΤΑΛIAC. As described above, with the torch placed on a large altar.

Æ 18, 1 h, 4.92 g. Obv. Laureate bust of Septimius Severus r. Rev. IOYΛΠIAC ΠΑΥΤΑΛIAC. As described above, with the torch placed on a large altar.
Æ 19, 3.71 g. Obv. ΑΥ Κ M ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla r. Rev. ΠΑΥΤΑΛΕΩΤΩΝ. As described above, with the torch placed on an altar (Photos courtesy of Lübke & Wiedemann KG).
Æ 19, 1 h, 3.68 g. Similar.
Æ 20, 2 h, 5.17 g. Similar, but with the reverse legend IOYΛΠIAC ΠΑΥΤΑΛIAC.
Æ 19, 1 h, 3.68 g. Obv. Π CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤAC Κ. Draped and cuirassed bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΠΑΥΤΑΛIΩΤΩΝ. Similar, but no altar (Photos courtesy of H. D. Rauch).
Æ 19, 2 h, 3.74 g. Similar.
In addition to these conventional “torch babies”, there is also a rare and curious variant in Pautalia that is difficult to explain with certainty, given the small number of specimens known and the modest size of the coins. The few that have appeared in auction have been described as “Hypnos Thanatos holding torch”, “Hypnos-Thanatos extinguishing a touch with a bell”, and just “Thanatos”. To these theories I would add the undramatic suggestion that this type might show Eros lighting a torch in his r. with a flaming brand (or a second torch) held in his l.
Æ 20, 1 h, 4.75 g. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ M ΑΥ CΕΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟC. Laureate bust of Caracalla r. Rev. ΠΑΥΤΑΛIΩΤΩΝ. See description above.
* Philippopolis in Thracia, coins with Eros to l. of Marcus Aurelius (not illustrated) and Caracalla (not illustrated); coins with Eros to r. of Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Septimius Severus, Geta, and Elagabalus. Varbanov 1050 (Commodus / Eros to l.) is actually a coin of Type 08; the single example with Eros to l. listed as RPC IV, 7572 is not illustrated yet, and might be what it claims...
Æ 18, 1 h, 3.63 g. Obv. ...[ΚΑ]I M ΑΥΡ AN.... Laureate, draped bust of Marcus Aurelius r. Rev. ΦΙΛΙ[ΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ]. Eros standing r. with legs crossed, leaning on a burning torch placed downwards (no altar) and resting his head on his l. hand. Major striking error on the reverse (double-struck?).
Æ 19, 4.14 g. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ[ΑΙ Μ?] ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΟΔΟC. Bare-headed, draped bust of Commodus r. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ. Normal type, but of clumsy style (Photos courtesy of H. D. Rauch). Note the clumsiness of the lettering, disturbing the design on the reverse, where the huge final N has forced the rudimentary altar upwards from the baseline.
Æ 20, 4 h, 3.82 g. Similar.
Æ 19, 3.99 g. Obv. ... CΕΥΗΡΟC. Laureate head of Septimius Severus r. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ. Normal type to r., but from artistically superior dies (Photos courtesy of Lübke & Wiedemann KG).
Æ 18, 7 h, 3.90 g. Similar.
Æ 18, 11 h, 3.5 g. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Π CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤAC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta r. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠ…. Similar, but without altar (?) (Private collection, photos by permission).
Æ 17, 12 h, 3.45 g. Similar.
Æ 21, 8 h, 4.76 g, coin double-struck. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ... [ΑΝΤΩΝ(Ε)ΙΝ]ΟC. Laureate head of Elagabalus r. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕ[ΙΤΩΝ]. Similar, but with altar.
* Plotinopolis in Thracia, coins with Eros to r. of Caracalla.

Æ 16, 7 h, 3.43 g. Obv. ΑΥ Κ M ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝEΙΝ[OC?]. Laureate head of Caracalla r. Rev. ΠΛΩΤΕΙΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ. Normal type.
Æ 16, 7 h, 2.70 g. Similar.
* Serdica in Thracia, coins with Eros to r. of Septimius Severus, Caracalla, and Geta Caesar, and with large-module coins of Caracalla (not illustrated) and smaller coins of Geta Caesar (not illustrated) with Eros to l.
Æ 18, 6 h, 4.72 g. Obv. …CΕΥΗΡΟC…. Laureate head of Septimius Severus r. Rev. CΕΡΔΩΝ. Eros standing r. with legs crossed, leaning on a torch placed downwards on a block (?) and resting his head on his l. hand; bow and quiver with arrows to l.
Æ 19, 7 h, 3.54 g. Similar, but with obverse legend AYT K Λ CΕΠΤ CΕΥΗΡΟC Π.
Æ 22, 5.71 g. Similar, but without the bow and quiver with arrows, with the obverse legend AY K • Λ • CΕΥΗΡΟC, and the reverse legend ΟΥΛΠΙ CΕΡΔΙΚ[HC in exergue?] (Private collection, photos by permission).
Obv. ΑΥ Κ M ΑΥΡ CΕΥ ΑΝΤΩΝEΙΝΟC. Laureate head of Caracalla r. Rev. CΕΡΔΩΝ. Similar, but no altar (?) (Private collection, photos by permission).
Æ 18, 1 h, 3.15 g. Similar.
Æ 20, 7 h, 3.75 g. Similar.
Æ 19, 7 h, 4.09 g. Obv. Λ CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤAC Κ. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΟΥΛΠΙ[ΑC] CΕΡΔΙΚ[HC?]. Normal type.
Æ 18, 7 h, 2.72 g. Similar.
* Topirus in Thracia, coins with Eros to r. of Caracalla.
Æ 16, 1 h, 3.19 g. Obv. AY K M ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝIΝ. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla r. Rev. ΤOΠEIPΙΤΩΝ. Normal type, but without the altar (Photos courtesy of H. D. Rauch).
Æ 17, 1 h, 4.61 g. Similar.
Æ 16, 1 h, 3.19 g. Obv. AY K M ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝIΝ. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Caracalla r. Rev. ΤOΠEIPΙΤΩΝ. Normal type, but without the altar (Photos courtesy of H. D. Rauch).
Æ 17, 1 h, 4.61 g. Similar.
* Trajanopolis in Thracia, coins with Eros to r. of Septimius Severus (not illustrated) and Caracalla, and with Eros to l. of Caracalla (not illustrated) and Elagabalus (not confirmed as genuine, and not illustrated).
Æ 16, 1 h, 3.19 g. Obv. ...M ΑΥΡ CΕ ΑΝΤΩΝEΙ[ΝΟC]. Laureate head of Caracalla r. Rev. ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ. Normal type, but without the altar (?).
* Amastris in Paphlagonia, an extremely rare coin of Geta.
Æ 18, 7 h, 2.86 g. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΓΕΤAC AYΓ. Laureate head of Geta r. Rev. ΑΜΑCΤΡΙΑΝΩΝ. Normal type, Eros is holding his torch against a mound of stones.
* Bithynium-Claudiopolis in Bithynia, an extremely rare coin (not illustrated) that was dated by Waddington to the period of Elagabalus, with obverse type of the head of young Heracles in a lion-skin, on the reverse Eros to r., legs crossed, leaning on a burning torch placed downwards on an undefined object and resting his head on his l. hand.
* Cius in Bithynia, coins of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus (not illustrated), these coins with the unusual reverse type of Eros to r., with his r. hand behind his back, in the “weary Heracles” pose, and his l. arm resting on the torch, of Commodus (doubtful, only in Mionnet and possibly a misreading of the type of Eros leaning on a tree-trunk, see Type 10), Caracalla (not illustrated), Macrinus, Diadumenian Caesar (not illustrated), Maximus Caesar, Gordian III, and Tranquillina (not illustrated), all with Eros to r., and of Philip II Caesar (not illustrated), with Eros to l.
Æ 19, 7 h, 4.883 g. Obv. [AYT KAIC]ANTΩNINOC. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Marcus Aurelius r. Rev. ΚΙΑΝΩN. Eros in the “weary Heracles” pose, as described above.
Æ 19, 1 h, 3.03 g. Obv. ΜAKPINOC AYΓOYCTOC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Macrinus r. Rev. ΚΙΑΝΩ. Normal type, but with right arm outstretched (Photos courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.,
Æ 19, 3.84 g. Obv. [Γ] IOY OYH ΜAΞIMOC [K]. Draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus Caesar r. Rev. ΚΙΑΝΩ[N]. Normal type (Photos courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.,
Æ 19, 7 h, 4.883 g. Obv. [AYT KAIC]ANTΩNINOC. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Marcus Aurelius r. Rev. ΚΙΑΝΩN. Eros in the “weary Heracles” pose, as described above.
Æ 19, 1 h, 3.03 g. Obv. ΜAKPINOC AYΓOYCTOC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Macrinus r. Rev. ΚΙΑΝΩ. Normal type, but with right arm outstretched (Photos courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.,
Æ 19, 3.84 g. Obv. [Γ] IOY OYH ΜAΞIMOC [K]. Draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus Caesar r. Rev. ΚΙΑΝΩ[N]. Normal type (Photos courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.,
Æ 20, 1 h, 2.50 g. Obv. Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟC ΑΥΓ. Radiate, draped bust of Gordian III r. Rev. ΚΙ[Α]ΝΩΝ]. Normal type.
* Nicaea in Bithynia, coins of Geta Caesar, with Eros to l., legs crossed, leaning with his r. on a burning torch placed downwards on an altar and holding an uncertain object (a wreath?) behind him.
Æ 18, 1 h, 3.11 g. Obv. Λ CΕΠΤΙ ΓΕΤΑC ΚΑΙ. Head of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ. As described above. (Photos courtesy of Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.,
Æ 15, 2 h, 2.41 g. Similar.
Æ 18, 2 h, 3.34 g. Similar.
Æ 16, 12 h, 1.96 g. Similar, but head of Geta Caesar l.
* Prusa ad Olympum in Bithynia, coins of Caracalla with Eros to r., Macrinus and Julia Maesa (not illustrated) with Eros to l., Severus Alexander with Eros to r., and Philip I with Eros to l. or (not illustrated) to r.
Æ 16, 2 h, 1.85 g. Obv. ΑΥT Κ M ΑΥΡ [ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟC] CE. Laureate bust of Caracalla r. Rev. ΠΡΟΥCΑΕΩΝ. Eros to r., cross-legged, with his still burning torch held downwards and his head rested against his l. hand.
Æ 17, 2 h, 2.54 g. Obv. ΜAKPEINOC AYΓOYCTOC. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Macrinus r. Rev. ΠΡΟΥCΑΕΩΝ.Similar type, but to l.
Æ 18, 7 h, 2.76 g. Obv. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟC ΑΥΓ. Laureate bust of Severus Alexander r. Rev. ΠΡΟΥCΑΕΩΝ. Similar type, to r.
Æ 18, 7 h, 2.62 g. Obv. Μ ΙΟΥΛΙΟC ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟC ΑΥ. Laureate, draped bust of Philip I r. Rev. ΠΡΟΥCΑΕΩΝ. Similar type, to l.
* Prusias ad Hypium in Bithynia, coins of Geta Caesar, Diadumenian Caesar (not illustrated) and Gordian III, with Eros to r.
Æ 16, 1 h, 2.87 g. Obv. ... [ΓΕ]ΤΑC ΚΑΙC. Bare head of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ΠΡΟΥCΙΕΩΝ ΠΡΟC ΥΠΙΩ. Normal type.
Æ 16, 7 h, 2.29 g. Obv. Μ ΑΝΤ ΓΟΡ[ΔΙΑΝΟC] ΑΥ. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III r. Rev. ΠΡΟΥCΙΕΩΝ. Normal type, but no altar visible.
* Aphrodisias in Caria, c.178-180, coins with bust of Boulé on the obverse and Eros to r. on the reverse.
Æ 19, 6 h, 3.87 g. Obv. IEPA BOYΛH. Veiled and draped bust of Boule r. Rev. AΦPOΔEICIEΩΝ. Normal type.
Æ 21, 7 h, 4.29 g. Similar.
* Tripolis in Lydia, Caracalla, not illustrated and known only from the description of a coin in Mionnet.
* Dorylaeum in Phrygia, coins of Gordian III (not illustrated) with Eros to r. or to l., and of Philip I (not illustrated) with Eros to r.
* Ancyra in Galatia, coins of Caracalla and Geta Caesar, with Eros to r., holding a burning torch downwards onto a filleted altar.
Æ 19, 2 h, 4.34 g. Obv. M AY ANTΩN. Laureate bust of Caracalla r. Rev. ANKYPAC. Normal type.
Æ 18, 7 h, 3.76 g. Obv. Λ CEΠ [ΓE]TAC K. Bare-headed bust of Geta Caesar r. Rev. ANKYPAC. Normal type.
* Here is a lead tessera from Ephesus (Gülbay/Kireç, Ephesian Lead Tesserae, 2008, 244), showing Eros standing l., resting on a downturned torch (placed on an altar?). On the reverse is a monogram.
* Here is another lead tessera probably also from Asia Minor, showing Eros standing r., resting on a downturned torch (placed on an altar?). The reverse is blank.
* On this lead tessera, probably also from Asia Minor, the figure of Eros is contained within an irregular lozenge. The reverse of the tessera is blank.
Callatis / Commodus (both obverse types)
References: RPC IV, 1, 4307*; Varbanov 257-58
Rarity: Common
References: RPC IV, 1, 4307*; Varbanov 257-58
Rarity: Common
Callatis / Septimius Severus
Reference: ANS 1957.52.212
Rarity: RRR
Callatis / Julia Domna
References: Pick, AMNG, 314; Varbanov 303
Rarity: RR
Reference: ANS 1957.52.212
Rarity: RRR
Callatis / Julia Domna
References: Pick, AMNG, 314; Varbanov 303
Rarity: RR
Marcianopolis / Septimius Severus
Reference: Hristova/Jekov 6.14.41
Rarity: Scarce
Reference: Hristova/Jekov 6.14.41
Rarity: Scarce
Marcianopolis / Geta Caesar (type to r., at least three obverse varieties)
References: Hristova/Jekov; Varbanov 1111-13
References: Hristova/Jekov; Varbanov 1111-13
Rarity: R
Marcianopolis / Geta Caesar (type to l.)
References: Pick, AMNG, 699; Hristova/Jekov; Varbanov 1110, 3233 (“Nicopolis”)
Rarity: Very common
References: Pick, AMNG, 699; Hristova/Jekov; Varbanov 1110, 3233 (“Nicopolis”)
Rarity: Very common
Marcianopolis / Caracalla
Reference: Pick, AMNG, 633
Rarity: R
Reference: Pick, AMNG, 633
Rarity: R
Marcianopolis / Diadumenian Caesar
References: Pick, AMNG, 796; Hristova/Jekov
Rarity: Scarce
References: Pick, AMNG, 796; Hristova/Jekov
Rarity: Scarce
Marcianopolis / Elagabalus (type to r.)
Reference: RPC VI, 1536*
Rarity: Scarce
Reference: RPC VI, 1536*
Rarity: Scarce
Marcianopolis / Elagabalus (type to l.) [?]
Reference: Varbanov 1600 (= Moushmov 619)
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Commodus (with variant legends and obverse types)
References: RPC IV, 1, 9260*, 4344*, 17241*; Hristova/Jekov; Pick, AMNG, 1241
Rarity: Scarce, some variants very rare
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Septimius Severus (type to r.)
References: Hristova/Jekov; Pick, AMNG, 1366, 1368; Varbanov 2266-67, 2358, 2412, 2440
Rarity: Extremely common
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Septimius Severus (type to l.)
References: Pick, AMNG, 1367; Varbanov 2479, 2555
Rarity: RR
References: Hristova/Jekov; Pick, AMNG, 1366, 1368; Varbanov 2266-67, 2358, 2412, 2440
Rarity: Extremely common
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Septimius Severus (type to l.)
References: Pick, AMNG, 1367; Varbanov 2479, 2555
Rarity: RR
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Caracalla Caesar
Reference: Hristova/Jekov
Rarity: R
Reference: Hristova/Jekov
Rarity: R
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Geta Caesar
Reference: Hristova/Jekov
Rarity: Common
Reference: Hristova/Jekov
Rarity: Common
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Caracalla
References: Hristova/Jekov (this coin illustrated); Pick, AMNG, 1592; Varbanov 2930
Rarity: R
References: Hristova/Jekov (this coin illustrated); Pick, AMNG, 1592; Varbanov 2930
Rarity: R
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Geta
Previously unpublished?
Rarity: RRR
Previously unpublished?
Rarity: RRR
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Diadumenian Caesar
References: Hristova/Jekov; Pick, AMNG, 1874*; Varbanov 3601-2
Rarity: Scarce
References: Hristova/Jekov; Pick, AMNG, 1874*; Varbanov 3601-2
Rarity: Scarce
Nicopolis ad Istrum / Elagabalus
Reference: RPC VI, 1202*
Rarity: RR
Reference: RPC VI, 1202*
Rarity: RR
Tomis / Caracalla
Reference: Pick/Regling, AMNG, 2940
Rarity: Common
Reference: Pick/Regling, AMNG, 2940
Rarity: Common
Tomis / Geta
Reference: Pick/Regling, AMNG, 3044
Rarity: RR
Reference: Pick/Regling, AMNG, 3044
Rarity: RR
Tomis / Tomos
Reference: RPC VI, 2032*
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VI, 2032*
Rarity: RRR
Anchialus / Commodus
Reference: RPC IV,1,11721* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC IV,1,11721* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Anchialus / Geta Caesar
Reference: Varbanov 439, 453-54
Rarity: Fairly common
Reference: Varbanov 439, 453-54
Rarity: Fairly common
Anchialus / Maximinus I
References: RPC VI, 692*; Strack, AMNG, 613; Varbanov 516
Rarity: RR
Augusta Trajana / Septimius Severus
Reference: Varbanov 982
Rarity: RRR
Reference: Varbanov 982
Rarity: RRR
Augusta Trajana / Geta Caesar
References: Schönert-Geiss 409-11; Varbanov 1267
Rarity: Very common
References: Schönert-Geiss 409-11; Varbanov 1267
Rarity: Very common
Augusta Trajana / Caracalla (type to r.)
References: Schönert-Geiss 379; Varbanov 1148
Rarity: Scarce
References: Schönert-Geiss 379; Varbanov 1148
Rarity: Scarce
Augusta Trajana / Caracalla (type to l.)
Reference: Varbanov 1149-50
Rarity: RRR
Reference: Varbanov 1149-50
Rarity: RRR
Augusta Trajana / Geta
References: Schönert-Geiss 501-2; Varbanov 1266, 1276, 1331
Rarity: Very common
References: Schönert-Geiss 501-2; Varbanov 1266, 1276, 1331
Rarity: Very common
Bizya / Philip II Caesar
Reference: RPC VIII, 48726*
Rarity: Very common
Reference: RPC VIII, 48726*
Rarity: Very common
Deultum / Julia Mamaea (type A)
Reference: RPC VI, 789*
Rarity: Scarce
Reference: RPC VI, 789*
Rarity: Scarce
Deultum / Philip I (type B)
Reference: RPC VIII, 48582*
Rarity: Scarce
Reference: RPC VIII, 48582*
Rarity: Scarce
Deultum / Philip I (type C)
Reference: Varbanov 3049
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Deultum / Philip II Caesar (type C)
Reference: RPC VIII, 48603*
Rarity: Very common
Reference: RPC VIII, 48603*
Rarity: Very common
Hadrianopolis / Caracalla (type to l.)
References: Jurukova 383; Varbanov 3524Rarity: RR
Hadrianopolis / Caracalla (type to r.)
References: Jurukova 390; Varbanov 3525
Rarity: Very common
Rarity: Very common
Hadrianopolis / Geta Caesar
References: Jurukova 424; Varbanov 3657
References: Jurukova 424; Varbanov 3657
Rarity: Common
Pautalia / Septimius Severus
References: Ruzicka 411; Varbanov 4741
References: Ruzicka 411; Varbanov 4741
Rarity: Scarce
Pautalia / Caracalla
Reference: Ruzicka 728
Rarity: Very common
Rarity: Very common
Pautalia / Geta Caesar
References: Ruzicka 786, 827-29; Varbanov 5443-44, 5465
Rarity: Very common
References: Ruzicka 786, 827-29; Varbanov 5443-44, 5465
Rarity: Very common
Pautalia / Caracalla (mysterious variant)
Reference: Wildwinds
Rarity: RR
Philippopolis / Marcus Aurelius (type to l.) Rarity: RR
Reference: RPC IV, 1, 7474*
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Philippopolis / Marcus Aurelius (type to r.)
Reference: RPC IV, 1, 11722* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC IV, 1, 11722* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Philippopolis / Commodus (type to l.)
Reference: RPC IV, 1, 7572*
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Philippopolis / Commodus (type to r., with or without altar)
References: RPC IV, 1, 7571*; Varbanov 1051-55
Rarity: Very common
Philippopolis / Septimius Severus (type to r.)
Reference: Varbanov 1355
Rarity: R
Rarity: R
Philippopolis / Caracalla (type to l.)
Refeence: Varbanov 1558
Rarity: RR
Rarity: RR
Philippopolis / Geta (type to r.)
Previously unpublished?
Previously unpublished?
Rarity: RR
Philippopolis / Elagabalus (type to r.)
Reference: RPC VI, 594*
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Plotinopolis / Caracalla (with variant obverse legends)
References: BMC 6; Varbanov 1853
Rarity: Scarce
References: BMC 6; Varbanov 1853
Rarity: Scarce
Serdica / Septimius Severus (CΕΡΔΩΝ)
Reference: Wildwinds
Rarity: R
Reference: Wildwinds
Rarity: R
Serdica / Septimius Severus (ΟΥΛΠΙ CEPΔΙΚΗC)
Reference: Varbanov 1971
Rarity: RRR
Reference: Varbanov 1971
Rarity: RRR
Serdica / Caracalla
Reference: Varbanov 2085-86
Rarity: Common
Serdica / Caracalla (large module, type to l.)
Reference: Varbanov 2313
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Serdica / Geta Caesar (type to r.) (CΕΡΔΩΝ)
Reference: Varbanov 2527
Rarity: RRR
Reference: Varbanov 2527
Rarity: RRR
Serdica / Geta Caesar (type to r.) (ΟΥΛΠΙAC CEPΔΙΚ or CEPΔΙΚHC)
Reference: Moushmov 4929 (online catalogue)
Rarity: RR
Reference: Moushmov 4929 (online catalogue)
Rarity: RR
Serdica / Geta Caesar (type to l.)
Reference: Varbanov 2540
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Topirus / Caracalla
References: Varbanov 2688, 2689; BMC 7
Rarity: R
References: Varbanov 2688, 2689; BMC 7
Rarity: R
Trajanopolis / Septimius Severus
Reference: Riggauer, p.28
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Trajanopolis / Caracalla (type to r.)
References: Schönert-Geiss 88, 135, 145; Varbanov 2867
Rarity: Common
Rarity: Common
Trajanopolis / Caracalla (type to l.)
Reference: Varbanov 2819
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Trajanopolis / Elagabalus (type to l.)
Reference: Varbanov 2879
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Amastris / Geta (as Augustus)
RPC V, 2, 93950*Rarity: RRR
Bithynium-Claudiopolis / Heracles
Reference: RPC VI, 30548* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Cius / Marcus Aurelius
References: RPC IV, 1, 4766*; Waddington, Recueil général, 43
Rarity: RR
Rarity: RR
Cius / Lucius Verus
References: RPC IV, 1, 4769*; Waddington, Recueil général, 46
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Cius / Commodus [?]
Reference: Mionnet, Supplement V, p.251, 1467
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Cius / Caracalla
Reference: Waddington, Recueil general, 66
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Cius / Macrinus
Previously unpublished?
Rarity: RRR
Previously unpublished?
Rarity: RRR
Cius / Diadumenian Caesar
Reference: SNG Leypold 130
Rarity: RRR
Rarity: RRR
Cius / Maximus Caesar
Reference: RPC VI, 3088*
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VI, 3088*
Rarity: RRR
Cius / Gordian III
Reference: RPC VII, 1883*
Rarity: RR
Reference: RPC VII, 1883*
Rarity: RR
Cius / Tranquillina
Reference: RPC VII, 1885*
Rarity. RRR
Rarity. RRR
Cius / Philip II Caesar
Reference: RPC VIII, 19810* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VIII, 19810* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Nicaea / Geta Caesar (obverse head to r.)
Reference: RPC V, 2, 77401*; Waddington, Recueil général, 507
Rarity: Scarce
Reference: RPC V, 2, 77401*; Waddington, Recueil général, 507
Rarity: Scarce
Nicaea / Geta Caesar (obverse head to l.)
Reference: RPC V, 2, 77689*
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC V, 2, 77689*
Rarity: RRR
Prusa ad Olympum / Caracalla
References: RPC V, 2, 6800*; Waddington, Recueil general, 99; BMC 24; SNG von Aulock 875; McClean Coll. 7524
Rarity: Scarce
Prusa ad Olympum / Macrinus
RPC V, 2, 27420* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Prusa ad Olympum / Julia Maesa
Reference: RPC VI, 3023* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VI, 3023* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Prusa ad Olympum / Severus Alexander
Reference: RPC VI, 30573* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VI, 30573* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Prusa ad Olympum / Philip I (type to l.)
Reference: RPC VIII, 19784*
Rarity: R
Reference: RPC VIII, 19784*
Rarity: R
Prusa ad Olympum / Philip I (type to r.)
Reference: RPC VIII, 58771* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VIII, 58771* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
RPC V, 2, 93958* (this coin)
Rarity: RRR
Prusias ad Hypium / Diadumenian Caesar
Reference: Waddington, Recueil général, 61 (but with erroneous description)
Rarity: RRR
Reference: Waddington, Recueil général, 61 (but with erroneous description)
Rarity: RRR
Prusias ad Hypium / Gordian III
Referene; RPC VII, 2, 2047
Rarity: RRR
Referene; RPC VII, 2, 2047
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC IV, 2, 2153*
Rarity: Common
Tripolis / Caracalla [?]
Reference: Mionnet, III, 527
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Reference: Mionnet, III, 527
Rarity: RRR (if genuine)
Dorylaeum / Gordian III (type to r.)
Reference: RPC VII, 1, 761.2
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VII, 1, 761.2
Rarity: RRR
Dorylaeum / Gordian III (type to l.)
Reference: RPC VII, 1, 761.1
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VII, 1, 761.1
Rarity: RRR
Dorylaeum / Philip I
Reference: RPC VIII, 20679*
Rarity: RRR
Reference: RPC VIII, 20679*
Rarity: RRR
Ancyra Galatiae / Caracalla
Reference: RPC V, 3, 72635*
Rarity: RR
Reference: RPC V, 3, 72635*
Rarity: RR
Ancyra Galatiae / Geta Caesar
Reference: RPC V, 3, 71990*
Rarity: RR
Reference: RPC V, 3, 71990*
Rarity: RR
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